SRNT - 2023 Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting
Mr pencil

How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
Please rate the following:
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV/technology.
Quality of facilities and facility accommodations.
How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of generic names?
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain in detail (e.g. session title, speaker name, situtation):
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
The instructor was knowledgeable about the content
Objective 1: Describe new research and clinical data on the effects of nicotine and tobacco.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
The instructor presented the subject matter clearly
Objective 2: Address nicotine and tobacco's role in the changing health care environment.
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
The instructor was responsive to participants
Did this program improve your Skill or Strategy in your role or contribution as a member of the healthcare team?
If no, why not?
Do you believe your participation in this activity will positively impact your healthcare team?
If yes, how?
If no, why not?
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
The teaching methods used were appropriate to the objectives
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss health equity laws and how to help sway policy with regards to flavored tobacco products.
The instructor used technology effectively
Learn and discuss how to help develop policies using research in tobacco and nicotine.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss tobacco treatments that work best on the populations with the most need.
The instructor used technology effectively
Identify ways to zero in research to the vulnerable sexual and gender minority youth.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss ways to develop global tobacco control strategies.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss new information from the FDA's Center for Tobacco Products.
The instructor used technology effectively
To learn about eliminating commercial tobacco-related mortality and morbidity among Indigenous populations, by conducting tobacco research to both honor and value Indigenous knowledges, voices, life-experiences, and priorities.
The instructor used technology effectively
Participants will learn about addiction processes in youth.
The instructor used technology effectively
To understand the effects of co-exposure to nicotine and cannabinoids during the early stages of development.
to highlight the hypothesis that one of the consequences of adolescent nicotine exposure is the enhancement of subseqent substance abuse in adolescent and adult Sprague Dawley rat lines.
The instructor used technology effectively
Understand factors that produce inequities in commercial tobacco use.
Describe the tobacco endgame and identify endgame strategies that prioritize health equity to address inequities in commercial tobacco use.
Identify how research and policy agendas can be framed to center health equity to ensure that an equitable endgame is achieved.
The instructor used technology effectively
List and discuss different methods used for remote biochemical verification of smoking cessation.
Appreciate the methodological novelty of different remote biochemical verification procedures.
Identify the strengths and weaknesses of different remote biochemical verification methods.
The instructor used technology effectively
Learn about global approaches to tobacco product relative-risk communication.
Understand how relative risk messages affect product sales, risk perceptions, and visual attention.
Increase knowledge of the potential benefits and harms of tobacco product relative risk messages.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss how Chinese youth describe the impact of tobacco marketing exposure on youth tobacco use behavior in China.
Discuss policy implication of results on tobacco control efforts in China.
The instructor used technology effectively
To understand how associations vary between support for policy and sociodemographic, smoking and quitting characteristics.
To understand implications for policy implementation.
The instructor used technology effectively
Evaluate the efficacy of varenicline, positively smoke free, both or neither for smoking cessation among people living with HIV who smoke in an urban environment.
Inform possible future directions for smoking cessation treatment among people living with HIV who smoke.
To realize the implications of expanded recruitment reach of tobacco cessation trials for survivors
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe potential facilitators and barriers to the use of mutual aid support groups for tobacco treatment support
Describe the potential role for mutual aid support groups for addressing tobacco dependence
To understand the topics addressed during physician/practitioner education.
The instructor used technology effectively
Review what Dr. Cummings has learned during his time with the ITC Project and how the policies have influenced smoking behaviors.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss policy recommendations related to capsule cigarettes
Describe the trends in the market share of capsule cigarettes in Mexico
To learn how sales of higher-nicotine products differ by characterizing flavor over time
The instructor used technology effectively
Recognize existing guidance aimed at limiting vaping content on social media
Understand importance of additional policy interaction research
Describe how the modeled policies can decrease geographic disparities in smoking-attributable outcomes in the US.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe differences in subjective effects (e.g., withdrawal and craving relief, reward) associated with nicotine isomer.
To determine which perspectives are included in news media discussions of nicotine pouches in low- and middle-income markets (i.e., tobacco industry, public health or medical professionals, harm reduction groups, and other perspectives).
To assess similarities and differences between how nicotine pouches are discussed in the news media in different low- and middle-income markets.
The instructor used technology effectively
Identify some of the key genes associated with nicotine addiction and smoking behavior.
Describe neuroimaging-guided rTMS treatment.
Understand the instability of smoking abstinence over time following a quit attempt and the importance of long-term smoking cessation interventions to reduce the health risks associated with tobacco use.
The instructor used technology effectively
Participants will be able to describe the association between in utero electronic cigarette exposure and fetal growth trajectories.
Participants will be able to describe the next steps for research linking electronic cigarette use in pregnancy to fetal harms.
Participants will learn how adolescents responded in the ETM after being exposed to reduced nicotine content cigarettes for four weeks.
The instructor used technology effectively
To understand the relationship between e-cigarette cessation and any potential relapse to smoking, among former smokers
To understand what types of smoking cessation support are likely to improve outcomes for people in mental health and substance use treatment.
To understand patterns of use and dependence behaviors that might underlie product transitions.
The instructor used technology effectively
Understand how the NIH SBIR/STTR can support collaborations between businesses and academic researchers in the USA
Describe methods for dissemination and commercialization of digital smoking and vaping cessation and prevention programs
Describe the results from recent studies of digital smoking and vaping cessation and prevention programs conducted by academic and digital health industry researchers
The instructor used technology effectively
To identify the impact of how greater tobacco retailer density is related to increased cigarette smoking
To learn how higher tobacco retailer density is related to adverse birth outcomes
To elucidate how tobacco retail policies can reduce disparities in tobacco use behavior and health outcomes and to help people to quit smoking
The instructor used technology effectively
To learn the history of institutional and individual level oppressive experiences that have limited engagement in research on Indigenous commercial tobacco cessation
To learn the sacred role of ceremonial tobacco use among Indigenous people, as distinct from commercial tobacco use cessation.
To learn ways that non-Indigenous researchers can respectfully engage in research partnerships with the goal of positively impacting commercial tobacco cessation among Indigenous populations
The instructor used technology effectively
To inform public health, policy, stop smoking services and individuals on the safety of ECs when used for quitting combustible cigarettes.
To inform policy, stop smoking services and individuals on the levels of longer-term use of ECs when used for quitting combustible cigarettes.
Apply the knowledge of the current state of e-cigarette cessation literature to future research recommendations.
The instructor used technology effectively
To describe how sensory attributes differentially affect e-cigarette appeal in racial/ethnic minorities.
To evaluate how tobacco regulatory policies may affect racial/ethnic groups differently.
Assess how exposure to ENDS advertising effects product appeal among adults, by sexual orientation and gender.
The instructor used technology effectively
As a result of this session, participants will be able to explain the association between NRT prescription and in-hospital mortality for current smokers
As a result of this session, participants will be able to articulate how vaccination effects were more strongly associated with reduced mortality in current and former smokers than in never smokers.
Describe how associations between smoking status and SARS-CoV-2 infection and hospitalization are moderated by medical comorbidities
The instructor used technology effectively
Attendees will be able to describe the efficacy and safety of 12 weeks of treatment with varenicline vs. placebo for long-term abstinence among racially and socioeconomically diverse adults with current and/or past MDD.
Attendees will be able to summarize the robustness of the intent-to-treat findings for long-term abstinence based on Inverse Probability of Retention Weighting.
Discuss the specific needs for future research to inform theory, further treatment development, and clinical practice.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe regional challenges related to implementation and adoption of TAPS bans, including resource limitations and the tobacco industry’s attempts to diminish country efforts by aggressively lobbying policymakers, challenging TAPS laws in litigation, and undermining restrictions on TAPS bans through social media platforms.
Identify strategies to support a regionally unified approach towards specific interventions that more efficiently and economically help to pass TAPS bans and counter tobacco industry tactics that are typically duplicative across countries.
To employ research findings for modifying the purchasing behavior among the young and lower SES group for reducing tobacco use
The instructor used technology effectively
Define the contribution of exosomes in smoke-mediated lung disease
Attendees will appreciate the negative health effects of hookah's toxicants as well as the associated genes and pathways underlying its effects in the context of the cardiovascular system and platelets
Biomarkers of ENDS flavor exposure
The instructor used technology effectively
Learn how advanced computational methods are used to analyze data from various social media platforms to inform tobacco regulation
Learn about different types of tobacco promotion that are occurring on social media.
Learn how the content of social media can be leveraged to inform tobacco control efforts.
The instructor used technology effectively
Understand, from a translational perspective, evidence on the impact of alternative products and their potential regulations on abuse liability, use behaviors, and preferences among adult smokers.
Understand the relative appeal and substitutability of alternative products for cigarettes among Black and White smokers.
Identify potential strategies to maximize public health by limiting alternative product use among young adults while providing options for harm reduction to adult smokers.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss ways to pursue equality in tobacco control for those using cigarillo-like products.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss using previous targeted interventions to help more individuals.
The instructor used technology effectively
This symposium will present in-depth examinations of tobacco use in select populations experiencing tobacco-related disparities (e.g., socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, racial and ethnic minority populations, LGBTQ+ communities, people of reproductive age, and the military/veteran population) using cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses of the PATH Study data from 2013-2021.
The instructor used technology effectively
Characterize type of selling activity, products, and marketing tactics
Formulate tobacco regulatory policy responses to address product selling from unregulated sources
To understand the scope of research that has been conducted on the topic of the impact of tobacco control policy on illicit tobacco trade.
The instructor used technology effectively
To develop an understanding of the evidence derived from pre-clinical animal models that support the validation of HyNDA-1 for nicotine cessation.
To differentiate the sensory properties of forms of synthetic nicotine and their impact on tobacco product initiation.
Learn about how three novel epibatidine derivatives share similar but different pharmacological characteristics compared to nicotine.
The instructor used technology effectively
To determine the safety and tolerability of cytisinicline, an investigational smoking cessation aid compared to placebo
Learn at least 5 techniques for inducing cognitive dissonance in smokers to increase motivation to quit.
Learn how uploading video content to others can induce cognitive dissonance in smokers.
The instructor used technology effectively
To examine smoking characteristics and quitting interest in the target sample
To discuss lessons learned from food pantry-based outreach for smoking cessation and potential next steps
Critical awareness and understanding of sociopolitical systems can act as a strategy to lessen the negative physical and psychological consequences of interpersonal ethnic-racial discrimination.
The instructor used technology effectively
To identify differences in emerging tobacco product harm perceptions between transgender and cisgender PATH study participants, across sexual identity.
To consider how TGD populations may vary across sexual identity and consider ways to uniquely target tobacco interventions to improve TGD tobacco disparities.
Identify the primary gender-affirming surgical procedures reported in studies that also collect information on the tobacco use behaviors of TGD patients
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe the current state of youth cessation indicators in the United States.
Identify promising practices and interventions to support adolescents in quitting tobacco use.
Describe approaches to address cessation in youth populations experiencing tobacco-related disparities.
The instructor used technology effectively
Describe patterns of polysubstance use with tobacco.
Describe demographic, health and social factors associated with polysubstance use and treatment.
Discuss tobacco-related health disparities in polysubstance use with tobacco.
The instructor used technology effectively
To understand what types of smoking cessation support are likely to improve outcomes for people in mental health and substance use treatment.
To understand factors that influence acceptability of nicotine replacement therapy and nicotine vaping products for clients in mental health and substance use treatment.
To understand the implementation challenges and potential impacts of a prescription only access model for nicotine vaping products.
The instructor used technology effectively
To learn about new biomarker data in Japan and Canada that will add to the growing literature about the level of “reduced exposure” of HTPs relative to cigarettes and e-cigarettes.
To learn about the results of an analysis of 2018 ITC Japan Survey data that estimates the percentage of Japanese HTP users who have “completely transitioned” from cigarettes and compares that to the reports of PMI that 67% of IQOS users in 2018 had completely transitioned from cigarettes. Further, to learn about the care needed to interpret such analyses in properly assessing the value of HTPs or any alternative nicotine delivery product in smoking cessation.
To gain an understanding of whether Japanese smokers who initiate HTP use (and continued to use them) transition away from smoking cigarettes, and for those who are dual users, how their tobacco consumption changes over time.
The instructor used technology effectively
To identify the specific U.S. subpopulations with high usage of flavored NCTPs that might warrant additional monitoring and strategic implementation.
The apply key findings on trends and use patterns of flavored NCTPs as benchmark estimates for future tobacco monitoring activities
The instructor used technology effectively
Participants will learn about the risk of harm from cancer-causing metabolites of smoke.
Participants will learn about a one-of-a-kind clinical trial that evaluated the impact of e-cigarette provision on short-term reduction in chronic smokers with serious mental illness.
To understand the pharmacological rationale for using the combination of bupropion and naltrexone for smoking cessation.
The instructor used technology effectively
Learn how an online experiment examining the impact of premium cigar warnings at the point of sale affected different cigar-related outcomes.
Increase knowledge on the evidence base for warnings at the point of sale.
o compare the effect of pictorial HWLs on the tobacco package with pictorial HWLs on all three parts (device, tobacco, and charcoal) of a waterpipe on several tobacco and health communication outcomes in smokers and nonsmokers.
The instructor used technology effectively
To compare the implications of changes in price and changes in tax on e-cigarettes
To understand the value of using standardized e-cigarette price and tax measures
To consider policy measures that would reduce tobacco companies’ ability to use pricing tactics as a means of undermining smokefree policies.
The instructor used technology effectively
Learn more about the effects of various nicotine-containing products on myocardial tissue
Learn more about the rodent model of anterior wall myocardial infarction (ischemia/reperfusion model)
Compare toxicant emissions across products
The instructor used technology effectively
To understand the potential of FDA's proposed rule to prohibit characterizing flavors in cigars and menthol cigarettes.
To assess the impact of the percentage of the population covered by an effective flavored cigar sales restriction on per capita unit sales of large cigars, cigarillos, little cigars, and cigars overall
To explore how discrete-time survival models can be useful tools to model smoking cessation
The instructor used technology effectively
Attendees will be able to discuss policy implications of misperceptions of nicotine, RNC cigarettes, and a reduced nicotine policy.
Attendees will gain awareness of the impact of types of messages (e.g., those emphasizing harms of nicotine vs. benefits of a nicotine reduction policy) on perceptions of nicotine, RNC cigarettes, and a nicotine reduction policy.
Attendees will learn how attention to components of nicotine and RNC cigarette messaging impacts nicotine misperceptions.
The instructor used technology effectively
Attendees will learn how to measure Total Nicotine Equivalents and titrate medications increasing quit rates.
Attendees will learn about adaptive pharmacotherapy a minority population.
Attendees will learn how well e-cigarettes and very low nicotine cigarettes (VLNCs) can substitute for regular combustible cigarettes.
The instructor used technology effectively
Discuss reducing and preventing dual use (cannabis and tobacco) in the adolescent population.
Please tell us about any sessions you found particularly good or bad.
Please tell us about any objectives you feel we accomplished well or poorly.
Please tell us about any presenters you found particularly good or bad.
Please answer the following:
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If faculty spoke about off-label or investigational uses of a product, was that information disclosed to you?
Was the mode of education effective to learning?
If you answered "No" to any of the above questions, please explain.
Did you perceive any product/service/company/commercial bias in any educational session you attended or materials you received?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please detail the situation below (e.g. session title, speaker name):
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room (other areas do not matter) while you attended this educational activity?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please explain in detail (e.g. who, when, where):
How much did you learn as a result of this education program?
What specifically did you learn during this activity that you intend to integrate into your practice?

What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?

What patient/client problems or patient/client challenges do you feel you are not able to address appropriately or to your satisfaction?
What problems are your patients/clients communicating to you that need attention or follow up?

Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?

What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?

How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?

Additional comments:

Mr question