Discuss referral patheways at UCSF.
Define surgical services available at UCSF.
Compare the risk of death of a patient who undergoes living donor transplantation to that of a patient who remains on the waiting list or undergoes deceased donor transplantation.
Explain the donor risk of right lobe versus left lobe donation.
List the steps in the diagnostic evaluations of a liver mass.
Describe factors involved in treatment decisions in a patient with a liver mass.
Discuss the management of fatty liver disease.
Describe post liver transplant nonalcoholic steatohepatitis issues.
Explain the appropriate use of sorafenib in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma including patient selection, dosing according to liver function, toxicity, and outcomes.
Discuss the novel targeted therapies and combinations in advanced HCC including the status of and preliminary findings from ongoing randomized phase 2 and 3 trials.
Describe 2 new approaches to the management of acute liver failure that will be implemented this year at UCSF and across the US.
Describe the effects of ornithine phenylacetate on the level of circulating ammonia levels and this novel drug's potential to aid the management of patients with acute liver failure.
Describe how a checklist can assist in the management of acute liver failure.
Cite new therapies for HCV.
List side effects of therapies for HCV.
Identify which patients are candidates for therapy.
Explain the current allocation policy for deceased donor livers and how livers are offered candidates on the liver transplant wait-list.
Identify at least three donor factors associated with inferior post-transplant outcomes.
Describe how the characteristics of a transplant center and its local environment affect decision making regarding transplantation and organ utilization.
Discuss the current inclusion/exclusion criteria for liver transplantation in the HIV infected patient.
Describe the optimal immunosuppressive and anti-retroviral regimens for liver transplantation in the HIV infected patient.
Discuss gene signatures and other molecular subclassification approaches in HCC.
Describe factors involved in the decision to proceed with liver transplantation in a patient with iron overload.
Describe factors involved in the decision to proceed with liver transplantation in a patient with acute liver failure.
What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?
Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?
What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?
How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?
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