InSight - 2011 Annual Conference-Bridging the Gap - Nurse & Pharm
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What activities did you attend at the event?
By completing this form, you attest that you have participated in all selected activities in thier entirety.
Please rate the following:
The program was relevant to my work.
Content matched stated objectives.
Usefulness of handouts/AV.
Quality of facilities.
How well did the educational sessions give a balanced view of therapeutic options, including the use of generic names?
If you rated any of the above questions with 'fair,' 'poor,' 'disagree,' or 'strongly disagree' please explain:
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Please rate the speaker(s) as a group.  You will have the opportunity to elaborate on an individual speaker in the following question. 
Objective 1: Identify criteria of and apply the processes required for their hospital to meet the definition of meaningful use
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
If you have additional comments regarding the session or individual speaker(s) - e.g. teaching ability, expertise, organization of materials, etc. - please use the space below:
Objective 2: List and employ CPOE implementation best practices to execution of CPOE at their organizations
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
Objective 3: Describe the benefits of specific HIT systems as it relates to patient safety
By meeting the above objective my professional competence will increase because I have acquired new strategies to use in my practice.
By meeting the above objective my professional performance will improve because I should be able to implement the new strategies.
By meeting the above objective my patient outcomes should improve due to the implementation of newly-learned strategies.
Describe how an avalanche of change affects patient safety, staff satisfaction and the probability of success of your project.
Specify the components of a Change Calendar.
Explain how to leave prepared to champion a Change Calendar at your facility(s).
Define a Medical Home Pilot.
Discuss changes in workflow and process in order to become a certified medical home practice.
Identify the difference between ACO and Medical Home Pilot.
Demonstrate how a visual communication network reminds caregivers to track compliance to clinical programs.
Identify how visual cues enhance patient outcomes.
Describe the benefits of visual communication networks to nurses.
Identify significant differences in diagnosis and procedure specificity between ICD-9 and ICD-10.
Discuss the impact of ICD-10 codes on clinical documentation practices.
Apply session learnings to planned end-user training associated with ICD-10 compliance for Horizon Clinicals clinical documentation and order entry applications.
Express and analyze the medication administration product.
Apply some of the tips from the presenters during their own go-live process.
Review the product with the presenters and discuss their own facility's process.
Describe the strategy selected by a multifacility organization to meet the challenges of ARRA compliance.
Discuss the role HSM plays in meeting Phase 1 requirements and use of reporting tools.
Identify organizational initiatives while reviewing project scope and defining major milestones.
Discuss alternative devices, specifically the pros and consof alternative devices as well as how to optimize them.
Analyze the pros and cons of Medical Speaking Dragon and how to optimize them best.
Debate the pros and cons of scribes as well as their optimization.
Describe the challenges of implementing barcode scanning administration among five facilities over a four-year period.
Demonstrate the necessity for baseline metrics prior to leveraging deployment and implementation of any clinical application.
Identify the barriers preventing compliance and acceptance of any new clinical application and impact on the end user workflow.
Describe the types of alerts that may display in Horizon Meds Manager.
Review drug screen settings and drug-drug interactions within Horizon Meds Manager.
Share experience from a project which reduced moderate drug-drug interaction alerts at the Medical University of South Carolina. 4. Describe ideas for tailoring alerts at your institution.
Develop an understanding of Meaningful Use Stage 1 objectives and develop a framework for understanding current thinking for stage 2 objectives.
Develop a strategy that recognizes the key role of the emergency department.
Discuss current Horizon Emergency Care features and how they leverage compliance.
Discuss strategic initiatives for clinical quality improvement.
Share best practices and lessons learned with using Horizon Clincals solutions to address key areas such as sepsis and diabetes management and compliance with VAP bundles.
Apply content and process measures from the award finalist to your ongoing clinical quality initiatives.
Demonstrate an understanding of the Horizon Surgical Manager project life cycle.
Demonstrate an understanding of the Project Management Institute framework and how this can be applied to HSM projects to ensure success.
Demonstrate an understanding of the American Nurses Association Nursing Informatics standards of practice and how this can be applied to HSM projects to ensure success.
Describe the CPOE implementation process through the eyes of a physician, including system build involvement.
Describe the integration of the paper and electronic worlds of orders.
Describe what went well and challenges encountered.
Demonstrate the advantages of Visibility and Care Alerts cohesively working together.
Explain time savings to nurses.
Review how caregivers can better serve the patient population.
Identify the effects of incomplete medication orders and the advantages of electronic communication between pharmacy and nursing.
Describe the methods used to implement electronic medication order clarification, track progress and improve turn around times.
Demonstrate the utility of electronic medication order clarification with statistics obtained in Horizon Expert Documentation and Horizon Meds Manager.
Discuss the processes used to create/facilitate one faciliity's downtime.
Identify some special "accessories" put into place at this facility to promote better workflows.
Identify some of the other types of downtimes and highlight some of the work flow changes involved.
Evaluate the potential of linking data from disparate systems.
Discuss and identify patient flow bottlenecks.
Specify the utilization of HBI to monitor progress of patient flow metrics.
Review the problem statement and business drivers necessitating the change.
Define the process improvement process, key stakeholders involvement and review key technology enablers.
Detail the changes made and results of the process improvement.
Explain the impetus that led BJC HealthCare to change their care coordination process and understand how process design can be used to define a shared vision of patient care across multiple facilities and then implement supporting technology to support that process.
Identify how the problem list, care planning and communication tools including care team rounds, clinical documentation and shift report fit within interdisciplinary care team activities to coordinate care. Overview of the care coordination process with real scenario.
Discuss how the interdisciplinary collaborative process enhances transparent communication and focus between the patient, nurse, and physician related to identifying goals and outcomes. Explore how the new interdisciplinary Care Coordination process correlates with decreased hospital length of stay.
Identify risk factors that create difficulty in error-proofing breastmilk administration in a busy NICU.
Discuss methods of tracking breastmilk using Horizon AdminRX.
Apply a similar method of breastmilk tracking at their hospital using the experience of an existing system to avoid errors and work-arounds.
Describe challenges identified during the transition process from HEC HOCS orders to HEO orders in the Emergency Department.
Explain steps to avoid and overcome the identified challenges.
Review key benefits HEO can provide to the ED.
Discuss the intent of Medication Reconciliation.
Describe the manual and electronic processees for Medical Reconciliation.
Discuss the impact of the process change, workflow and outcomes from the inter-disciplinary perspective.
Describe how Horizon Quality Monitor displays the status of key process components associated with specific accepted standards of care such as VAP prevention.
Discuss the clinical quality improvement results achieved by the Horizon Quality Monitor pilot site organizations.
Identify the key success factors for successful implementation and value realization of Horizon Quality Monitor.
Prepare the infrastructure for your organization for merging HSM and Horizon Clinicals.
Describe how HSM and Horizon Clinicals work together through integration to provide continuity of patient care.
Discuss lesson learned when merging HSM and Horizon Clinicals.
Identify how to streamline patient flow at admission and transfers between departments.
Review measures to increase communication across the hospital.
Define how caregivers can work more efficiently.
Review the four-step methodology utilized to standardize clinical documentation.
Discuss the lessons learned and best practices deployed at Covenant to develop a governance and CIC model to support ongoing clincial documentation needs.
Describe the outcomes and results from the methodology, including how this approach has better prepared Covenant to meet MU and pending healthcare reform.
Define common errors that occur during the specimen lifecycle as well as adverse events and their impact to patient care and to the institution.
Discuss the effects of specimen collection errors and how we are commonly seeing these specimen collection issues resolved.
Review the specimen lifecycle and where errors commonly occur as well as the technology solution commonly employed to imporove the safety of collecting laboroatory specimens.
Describe the implementation of Horizon Tissue Manager with integration to Horizon Surgical Manager and interfaced to Pathways Materials Manager (now HEMM).
Identify general guidelines for implementing Horizon Tissue Manager with surgical and materials management systems.
Review the benefits of Horizon Tissue Manager from a patient safety aspect along with staffing/inventory management improved practices.
Describe the unique characteristics of using HED in the outpatient environment.
Develop an implementation plan incorporating the necessary steps to ensure a successful implementation.
Demonstrate an understanding of the billing and reporting features including the components incorporated into HED as well as the use of accompanying systems.
Explain how to set up an online cartfill.
Demonstrate the step-by-step process of filling, updating, checking and verifying using the HMM Online cartfill.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using an online cartfill.
Identify the value that an anesthesia EMR can bring to the organization's goals for better patient outcomes.
Identify how the management of patient care leads to maximized reimbursement.
Develop the knowledge base for developing analytical tools for managing patient outcomes and revenue maximization.
Please answer the following:
Do you believe this activity was appropriate for the scope of your professional activities?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
Was the educational content free of commercial bias?
Was the mode of education effective to learning?
If you answered "No" to any of the above questions, please explain.
Were you solicited by sales personnel in an educational room (other areas do not matter) while you attended this educational activity?
If you answered "Yes" to the above question, please explain.
How much did you learn as a result of this educational program?
What did you learn during this activity that you intend to integrate into your practice?

What questions have arisen in your practice for which you need answers/strategies that you can implement?

What patient/client problems or patient/client challenges do you feel you are not able to address appropriately or to your satisfaction?
What problems are your patients/clients communicating to you that need attention or follow up?

Are you interested in basic, intermediate or advanced level trainings?

What barriers might you have that would interfere with implementation of new information learned from this training?

How can this training (the overall meeting) be improved to better impact competence, performance and/or patient/client outcomes?

Additional comments:

Mr question