DCS - CME Mission Statement Survey
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

By completing this form, you attest that you have attended the activity in its entirety.
After reading our CME Mission Statement above, please answer the following question:  My educational experiences with Diversified Clinical Services meet their CME Mission Statement goals.
Please answer the following questions, giving us as much detail as possible:
Ways I believe Diversified Clinical Services could "better" meet its CME Mission:
In my practice I occassionally notice an area where I may have "gaps" in my training that educational interventions might help with.  Examples of those areas are:
To improve my professional competence or performance, I would like Diversified Clinical  Services to offer educational interventions on the following:
To expand our interactive learning approaches, please let us know from which of the following types of educational format you learn the most (mark all that apply):
If you answered "Other" to the above question, please explain:
Please give us additional comments or ideas of how we could improve our educational offerings, advocacy, lobbying, etc.
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