IAHB Needs Assessment Survey
Mr pencil

How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

By completing this form, you attest that you have attended the activity in its entirety.
Profession (Mark all that apply)
What topics would you most like to see us present next year?
If Other, please list.
What speakers would you most like to see?
On what day or days of the week would you be most willing/able to attend a seminar?
How do you usually obtain your continuing education or CME? 
If Other, please list.
What is your usual cost per CE/CME hour?
What is the most important factor in determining what CE/CME you participate in?
If Other, please list.
Would you participate in a web-based follow-up to a workshop?
Might this additional resource increase the probability that you would attend?
How do you think that such a follow-up session might best be used?
Would you be willing to take a follow-up post-test online a month or so after a workshop?
Please list any other comments or suggestions.
Please enter your zip code.
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