REG - CSE 3rd-Year Ophthalmology Resident Program - January 29
Mr pencil

How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

How many credit hours did you complete?
By completing this form, you attest that you have attended the number of hours you have indicated above.
Do you feel the information presented will change your patient care?
If yes, in what way? If no, why not?
Was the educational content scientifically sound?
If no, please explain...
How much of the educational content was new to you?
Did you perceive any commercial bias or influence in the educational content?
If yes, please explain...
Did this activity improve your Skills or Strategy?
If yes, how...
I would rate my ability to demonstrate improved patient selection and pre-operative screening...


BEFORE attending this activity as:

AFTER attending this activity as:

I would rate my ability to avoid post-operative surprises with advanced biometry and other preoperative planning and assessment tools...


BEFORE attending this activity as:

AFTER attending this activity as:
I would rate my ability to discuss advanced surgical techniques and technologies that can help optimize refractive outcomes in patients undergoing cataract surgery...


BEFORE attending this activity as:

AFTER attending this activity as:
I would rate my ability to identify eyes that are at high risk for surgical complications and practice strategies to prevent and manage these complications...


BEFORE attending this activity as:

AFTER attending this activity as:
I would rate my ability to describe possible intra-operative challenges and complications and explain how advanced technologies and techniques can be used to avoid them...


BEFORE attending this activity as:

AFTER attending this activity as:
Do you feel what you learned will beneift you in your practice?
If yes, how...
Thinking about how your participating in this activity will influence your patient care, how many of your patients are likely to benefit over the next 12 months?
Comments or suggestions for future meetings:
Please list other topics of interest:
Were faculty effective in presenting the education?
Any specific comments about faculty:
Would you recommend this Resident Program to future residents?
If no, why not?
Mr question