Ishlt wgreytag 4cp f4
ISHLT - COVID-19: Challenges in Advanced Heart and Lung Disease and Cardiothoracic Transplantation Enduring Material
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How would you like your name to appear on your certificate?

How many credit hours did you complete?
By completing this form, you attest that you have attended the number of hours you have indicated above.
After viewing this session, was the following objective met? Explain how COVID-19 impacts the aspects of care surrounding your patients as it relates to current epidemiology, therapeutic options, critical care, support devices and donor management.
If no, why not?
Was the educational content scientifically sound and well researched?
If no, why not?
Did you perceive any commercial bias or influence in the educational content?
If yes, please explain...
Do you think what you learned will benefit you in your practice?
If yes, how...
Tell us what was good or bad about any part of the educational activity, content, speakers, materials, anything
What content would you like ISHLT to present in the future?
How did you find out about this program?
What influenced you to participate in the ISHLT virtual session?
Webinar content:
The content was presented in a clear and logical manner.
The content presented is directly relevant to my practice.
Suggestions for improving ISHLT online educational content.
The content provided significant information related to COVID-19.
Webinar format:
The lenth of the webinar was appropriate.
The technology of the webinar platform was easy to navigate.
The ability to earn CE/CME credit for this webinar is important to me.
Demographic Information:
Professional Speciality (click all that apply):
If you chose Other for your speciality, please enter it here:
Your country location:
Years of experience in transplantation:
Are you an ISHLT Member?
Are you with industry or a commercial organization such as pharmaceutical, medical devices, instruments, equipment?
PHARMACISTS: If you do not provide your NABP ID AND your DATE OF BIRTH, your hours will not be uploaded to CPE Monitor.

(CPE Monitor) NABP e-Profile ID (ePID) - Example 123456:

(CPE Monitor) Date of Birth (MMDD) - Example September 24 would be 0924:

Additional Comments:
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